What is Amazon FBA? And How To Do This Job? How To Sell on Amazon


Amazon FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon): This is a business model that allows you to send your own products from any supplier to directly Amazon Warehouse. With FBA, you store your products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers and list them on Amazon and add  the price and description of each product. Amazon handles everything while doing Amazon FBA! (packaging, shipping, customer service, etc.) You just need to send your products to Amazon warehouse and list your products on Amazon!

Generally, the most of Amazon FBA sellers manufacture their products in China and ship them direclty to the Amazon warehouses in USA. So we will focus on China-Alibaba.com website. In fact, we can produce our products from anywhere, but for the moment it will be most suitable Chinese suppliers. Both the cost and the Chinese suppliers know very well how to do this, and we know that most Chinese people are productive.

You can make your product by adding a logo to your product, to design a little bit, obviously to make a difference. There is something like that, you know, we’re searching the product on Amazon, and we can find a sellable product with both  a few applications or naturally. Here is what product is better or provides more income, etc. things like that. Now, let’s say that you found the product without any logo, so if you sell the same product on Amazon, you can make a difference from the other seller???  So are you going to offer something new for customers??? Of course no.

So you can add a new  logo to your products by talking to your supplier. The cost of the logo is $ 0.05- $ 0.10 (cents) for 1 product. you’ll have to pay money like this, but let’s not forget that is a long way and not a joke, we send our products from China to the United States to take every precaution and we have to offer the best products to our customers should remove a nice product, the most important thing is that we must be different from other vendors, so we must make a difference.

In fact, it’s very simple proccess. We send our products from China to the United States and it is available for selling within 2-7 days on Amazon. We think of it’s simple, yes, but the most important side is undoubtedly finding the right product. And the most critical side is already here. Most of people are afraid to risk and they think about they may not sell ??? Friends, there are no products that don’t sell on Amazon, but how many products you can sell is different for every person.

There are products that sell in the same day, there are also products that sell within 1 week sometimes there are products that do not sell. Amazon is a big e-commerce giant but our game starts with choosing the right product and continues with nice tactics on Amazon.

Tactics, Marketing, Receiving customer reviews, Competition, Optimizations etc. but despite all these, it is a pleasant business model.

The most beautiful side of the this business is when our products are available for selling on amazon then Amazon is interested in with everything. So at 3:00 am, your product was sold and you don’t need to say how to deal with it, even when you sleep, Amazon handle everything, pack your product, shipped it, deliver it to the customer, provide customer service and so on. Automatically adds your earnings to your seller account.

You can easily withdraw money from Amazon to your Payoneer or the bank account amazon support. Amazon and Payoneer have been working as a partner for many years. Even without aUS bank account, you have a virtual US bank account by opening a Payoneer account, all you have to do is enter your Payoneer bank information into Amazon and when withdraw time comes Amazon automatically sends your money to your Payoneer account.

Of course, you will enjoy in future after hard working . It is more logical to do this by thinking correctly to make the right calculations.

We hope that our content is useful for you and the question “what is the Amazon FBA” is enlightened in your mind.


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